Your deer matting needs to deliver increased productivity with ongoing reliability. With our superior custom-fit solutions you can ensure under-hoof goes above and beyond.
Key concerns
Stressed Deer
Stress, in and around the shed, can lead to an increase in infection and a decrease in your farm’s productivity. Rubber matting can help to make the deer calmer and easier to manage.
Foot Abscesses
The best way to minimise the risk of foot abscesses is to minimise the chance of deer being injured or getting damaged skin.
Excessive Noise
Deer react to noise in the shed making them difficult to handle and putting them at risk of injury. Rubber matting reduces noise and provides a sure surface.
Spooked deer are at risk of slipping and injuring themselves. Not only does rubber matting reduce noise and calm deer down, it also provides grip and surety underfoot.
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How much will it cost?
How much will it cost?
If you’re looking for a price on a specific mat, or volume pricing on multiple mats, we recommend you get in touch with our sales team.